Each Davidoff Cigar has a unique flavor. And
yet, they all share something that instinctively tells you – It’s a Davidoff.
The reason? All cigars are created the same way. By hand. By smell. By experts.
With a Dominican Republic provenance, this
Limited Edition is dedicated to Art, their master blenders crafted one of the
most difficult shapes in cigars with a medium strength, complex flavors, like
sweet, creamy, peppery and a bit of a floral taste, combined with the art to
create a perfect balance.
Puro Davidoff tiene un sabor único. Y, sin embargo, todos ellos comparten algo que
instintivamente dice – es un Davidoff. Todos sus cigarros son creados de la
misma manera. A mano. Por olfato. Por expertos. De procedencia de la República
Dominicana, esta Edición Limitada está dedicada al arte; maestros expertos
crean a mano una de las formas más difíciles en cigarros de fuerza media, sabores
complejos, dulce, cremoso, pimienta y un trazo de sabor floral combinan para
crear el equilibrio perfecto.
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